The Summit Push Program aims to increase the visibility of local producers/developers by showcasing their work at internationally recognized events and providing support to engage their ideal investment targets. The program includes an educational component to prepare participants to showcase at these events through workshops or other activities about exhibitor strategies, presentation skills, and effective networking at industry events.

The ESIO will lead and coordinate showcase opportunities at specified international markets for participants by providing access exhibition space for demos, sponsored events, meetings, and other events or activations benefiting the group. The ESIO will also provide financial support to succesful applicants to help alleviate the burden of costs studios face in preparing to attend these events.

Successful applicants in this program will receive:

  • Educational opportunities for team members to learn more about commercialization, pitching, showcasing and more
  • Booth space at Game Con Canada (June 2024) to showcase the game
  • Registration and exhibition space at gamescom (August 2024) in Cologne, Germany
  • $5,000 per studio

Application Information

Funding is available to:

  • Companies with a principal office in the Edmonton metro region that have been resident and operational for a minimum of one year; or,
  • individuals with professional screen media content creation experience or expertise who have been resident in the Edmonton metro region for a minimum of one year.

Applicants must have an ownership stake in the project.

Applicants must be in good standing with the ESIO and the City of Edmonton.


  • Projects must be in late-stage development or ready to launch
  • Projects must be in a demo-ready state
  • Priority will be given to projects that display high levels of traction including marketing traction, investment, presales, etc


  • Projects that are primarily propaganda (false, exaggerated, or distorted ideas, visual material, and statements typically used for a political purpose)
  • Projects that promote cruelty, sexual violence or sexual exploitation
  • Projects which contain elements that are deemed pornographic, obscene, or indecent
  • Projects that are libelous or in any way unlawful

An Adjudication Committee will be made up of members of UofA faculty and ESIO staff. Applications will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  • Implementation of good development practices in prototype creation [35%]: demonstration that the team can operate using good development practices, facilitating a healthy team environment.
  • Quality of the existing prototype [35%]: demonstration of the team’s ability to complete a project on time using their available expertise. Quality is the focus, not the prototype’s size or scope. Smaller, higher-quality prototypes will be preferred over larger, less-polished prototypes.
  • Clarity and feasibility of the team’s plans [20%]: the team’s development plan to expand and polish their prototype, which can be exhibited at GameCon, is realistic. The plans have the potential for future scalability and eventual commercial viability.
  • Impact on the Edmonton ecosystem [10%]: benefit such funding would provide to advance applicants’ career goals and/or leading to further game development in Edmonton, e.g., application to CMF, etc.

If you have any questions or concerns about the program, eligibility, or the application process, please contact [email protected]


Thank you to everyone who applied.
The next intake will take place in 2025.


No. Games must be in a demo-ready state to showcase at both Game Con Canada (June 2024) and gamescom 2024 (August 2024).

Succesful applicants must commit to taking part in all aspects of the program. If your studio has more than one staff member, we encourage everyone to take part in the program offerings, but not everyone is required to attend every workshop every week.

The ESIO and its partners will provide a number of workshops, webinars, and other activities to ensure participants are ready to showcase their projects at the various events.

During May/June, there will be weekly activities, in conjunction with our Trailhead Program participants, covering topics such as exhibitor strategies, presentation skills, and effective networking at industry events.

Following the Game Con Canada event, there will be a debrief with participants from both programs.

In July/August, activities will be targeted to Summit Push Program particpants only in preparation for gamescom 2024. There will be weekly check-ins with the ESIO team including planning and prepping the exhibition space, planning for meetings and on-site activities, and reviewing materials prior to the event.