Tell us about yourself
Born and raised in St. John’s, Newfoundland, I’ve worked in the screen industries for about 25 years. I spent 10+ years as a freelancer, mostly in picture editing and production offices, and as a writer. I was always involved in industry development organizations, and eventually worked at the provincial government, and the crown corporation responsible for film and television. I managed tax credits, an equity and development fund, professional development, and was film commissioner. I also helped to develop an IDM tax credit there.
What was the first thing that surprised you about coming to Edmonton?
I don’t know about surprised, but coming from the Atlantic coast, I love the amount of sunshine here.
What do you miss most about Newfoundland?
Family and a Cape Shore Water Dog named Charlie. And the sound of the fog horn!
Why do you love filmmaking?
The fact that it combines many artistic disciplines – writing, acting, music, visual arts. As much as I love music or literature or painting, nothing can sweep you away like a great movie.
Who are the role models or mentors that have influenced you or helped guide you?
Paul Pope, who was a legendary producer, for instance of the show “Hudson and Rex”, was a mentor for many years. He had a very wise vision for the Canadian film and television industry that was focused on developing local talent and infrastructure and we had many, many strategy sessions over the years.
What is your favourite film?
Dr Strangelove by Stanley Kubrick.
What was the first film you’ve ever watched?
I think the first movie I saw in the theater was either Bambi or 101 Dalmations.
How do you wind-down and relieve stress?
I love to swim laps and enjoy hiking. This time of year I’m mildly obsessed with the NFL playoffs.
What is your favourite restaurant or coffee shop in town?
There are a lot of great places here but I would have to say that the Italian Centre supermarket café is my current favourite (I highly recommend the pistachio cake).
What was the first project that made you feel like “you made it” or “you got this”?
Back in the day, I was the showrunner on a TV unscripted series and figuring out the huge jigsaw puzzle of how the episodes should work and then getting positive notes back from the broadcaster felt like a big accomplishment.