The ESIO is happy to announce the first batch of funding through our new Strategic Initiatives Fund programs.

Underrepresented Initiatives Fund

The first project to receive funding through the new Underrepresented Initiatives Fund is BE Collective Activate Program.

Intake for the Underrepresented Program is ongoing, please visit for more info.

The Elevation Program

The successful applicants for the first intake of The Elevation Program are:

  • Adam Scorgie (Score G Production Films Inc.)
  • Eva Colmers (No Problem Productions)
  • Megan Shott (Last Stop Videos)

We had an overwhelming response to The Elevation Program and thank everyone that applied! We will be conducting another intake for The Elevation Program in early 2024, check back at and on our social media at @EdmontonScreen for future announcements!

Andie Bardeck
Author: Andie Bardeck