(ESIO, Edmonton, AB) The Board of Directors of the Edmonton Screen Industries Office (ESIO) is delighted to announce the appointment of five new Board members, who officially joined the organization on October 20, 2018.

The search, conducted by the Vogel Group, connected the ESIO to dozens of top Edmonton business leaders. With a selection of so many excellent candidates, the ESIO Board was challenged to narrow the field to the following appointees: Pamela Freeman, Peggy Garritty, Kristina Milke, Tina Thomas and Lynette Tremblay.

The new Board members bring a wealth of experience in the following areas: communications and marketing, strategy and innovation, market analysis, business development, tech start-ups/scale-ups, government relations, policy development, angel investing and venture capital (see attached list of ESIO Board of Directors).

The ESIO is committed to Edmonton becoming a national and international centre for screen media production excellence, which means more than being a destination to shoot movies. The scope of ambition for the ESIO includes working with the screen industries sector to: explore innovations and the future of the industries on multiple platforms; facilitate local content production; protect ownership of intellectual property; seek out markets and distribution avenues for that content and attract a range of projects that Edmonton’s talent pool can support.

“It was important to find individuals who filled in gaps in our knowledge and experience,” explains ESIO Chair Carman McNary. “We have added very well qualified individuals in their specific areas of expertise to create a diverse Board that has the skills and experience needed to help lead Edmonton in becoming a national and international centre for screen media production excellence .”

CEO Josh Miller concurs, “Our volunteer Board has been a tremendous resource for me and for the organization. I look forward to welcoming and working with our new Board members as we move to fully operationalize our programs and begin considering client proposals by April, 2019.”

For further information, please contact:
Josh Miller
780. 420.2990
[email protected]

Carman R. McNary, Q.C.,
Board Chair
780. 423.7236
[email protected]

Author: esio