The ESIO recognizes that the Screen Media industries face unique challenges during this uncertain time. We believe in the resilience and adaptability of our Edmonton community and are currently modifying and updating our programs and services in order to better serve our stakeholders and allow them to move forward on initiatives and projects. The Edmonton Screen Media Fund remains open to applications and flexible to the changing needs of your project or venture. The ESIO team are working from home until further notice and are available by phone or email. Ongoing conversations between us will be critical to understanding the state of the Screen Media industries now and through the recovery period, so please do not hesitate to reach out to [email protected] and suggest how we can help.

We have compiled a list of other information and resources available to you at this time and will continue to update it. If you would like to make us aware of additional links to add, please email us at: [email protected]

For Information on federal support to businesses, go to the Government of Canada COVID-19 Economic Response Plan

If you are an employed or self-employed Canadian and are directly affected by COVID-19, you may be eligible for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)

For Alberta residents up to date information regarding COVID -19 can be found here

Canada Media Fund response:

Telefilm Canada response (includes list of cancelled and postponed national and International events):

Digital Alberta response:

Edmonton Arts Council:

Edmonton Global:

Author: esio