2020 has been a year of significant change and the ESIO is no different. Our CEO, Josh Miller, is retiring at the end of December. The Board and staff are grateful for his stewardship and fully support his decision to spend more time with his family after a long and distinguished career in the screen media industries as a screenwriter, producer and executive.

Josh is proud of what has been accomplished to date. “When I was hired in December, 2017, we were truly a start-up. Now we have a fully-staffed organization and our programs are all operational, most prominent among them the Edmonton Screen Media Fund. Having charted the first leg of this journey, it’s time to step aside and allow the organization to take its next strides under new leadership.”

The ESIO Board is currently undertaking a search for a new CEO. Those who may be interested in applying for the position should contact Rick Vogel at [email protected] for information.

Author: esio