EDMONTON, ALBERTA — The Edmonton Screen Industries Office (ESIO), announced today that it is awarding over $26,000 in grant funding to 18 applicants, which will positively impact over the Edmonton Metro region screen industries this year.

“Despite these challenging times, we felt it was critical that we provide these grants,” says the ESIO staff.

The ESIO received over $72,000 in requests from 48 applicants. These grants are designed to only cover third-party costs which range from contracted artists, script writers, animators and marketing.

In 2020, the ESIO distributed the first ever round of Early Stage Project Grants that assisted with much needed COVID-19 relief for the community. The screen industries community continued to try and be active during much of 2020 but faced significant challenges between converting to work from home and for those that required in person work. The ESIO elected to make an early call and raised the awards to a $1,500 maximum from $1,000 in the previous year due to requests of the community.

Spring will be the next grant call for the ESIO, with the Industry Support Grants program reopening for applications very soon. These grants will be able to provide ongoing support to the screen industries in the Edmonton Metro region and the opening date will be announced via social media and email blast.

The ESIO is an Imagine Canada accredited non-profit organization that was founded in 2017.

For more information on the ESIO visit www.edmontonscreen.com.

List of recipients

VRCave Inc.
Panoramic Media Ltd.
Score G Production Films
Funex Inc.
Gruvpix Inc.
Treaty 6 Productions Inc.
Reel Girls Media
Souleado Entertainment
Frederick Kroetsch
Mighty Motion Pictures
Year of the Cat Productions
Company of Women on the Screen
Caldera Interactive
Polar Tabby Interactive
Critical Fusion
Northern Gateway
Author: esio