For the past year, the Office of the Edmonton Film Commissioner has been vacant. Understanding the importance of a strong film, television and digital screen industry, the Edmonton City Council Executive Council directed the City Administration to do the following:

Work with the Edmonton Arts Council, Edmonton Economic Development Corporation and Industry Stakeholders and return to Executive Committee with a recommended Terms of Reference, scope and clearly defined partners, membership and funding strategy for a preferred model to replace the film commission.

Input from industry stakeholders is the critical part of this process. Four (4) consultation sessions have been set up to:

  • Inform stakeholders of the process to date
  • Discuss significant changes in the industry
  • Seek input on how to best increase screen production in the Edmonton area
  • Determine what new role the Film Commission should have
  • Provide additional feedback

All the sessions listed below will follow the same format and subjects, so individuals need only sign up for one session.

DateTime VenueAddress
Tuesday March 8
11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Edmonton Arts Council 10440 108 Ave NW
Thursday March 10 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm NAIT – Rm X107 11762 106 Street
Saturday March 12 10:00 am – 12:00 pm FAVA 9722 102 St NW
Wednesday March 16 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Edmonton Arts Council 10440 108 Ave NW
@Florian Klauer

To RSVP for a session please email:
[email protected]

For more information or questions please visit or contact:
George Matteotti | Senior Policy Advisor
Department Business Operations & Strategies | Economic and
Environmental Sustainability | Sustainable Development
8th Floor – 10250 101 Street NW | Edmonton AB | T5J 3P4
t 780-442-0812| e [email protected]

Author: esio