Archive for the ‘Announcements’ Category

2022 Market and Event Access Grant Recipients

October 5th, 2022 by Andie Bardeck

The ESIO is happy to announce that we have committed to funding 18 Market and Event Access grant…

The ESIO is happy to announce that we have committed funding to six Business Development and Marketing Grant…

The ESIO is happy to announce that we have committed funding to 12 Early Stage Project grant applicants….

The ESIO is happy to announce that we have committed funding to 9 Market & Event Access grant…

Early Stage Project Grant Results Announced

October 14th, 2021 by esio

The ESIO is happy to announce that we have committed funding to 10 Early Stage Project grant applicants….

ESIO CEO Josh Miller to Retire

November 10th, 2020 by esio

2020 has been a year of significant change and the ESIO is no different. Our CEO, Josh Miller,…

Edmonton Screen Industries Office awards Autumn group of screen industry grants The ESIO is very pleased to announce…

Edmonton Screen Industries Office awards inaugural group of screen industry grants The ESIO is very pleased to announce…

(ESIO, Edmonton, AB.) The Board of Directors of the Edmonton Screen Industries Office (ESIO) is delighted to announce the…

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On July 6, 2016, City Administration, the Edmonton Screen Industries Working Group and the Edmonton Arts Council presented…