The ESIO is happy to announce that we have committed to funding 18 Market and Event Access grant applicants.

The list of successful applicants:

1844 Studios
2222422 Alberta Ltd.
Back Road Productions Inc.
Caldera Interactive Ltd.
Crimson Herring Studios Inc.
Juvenile Pursuits Inc.
Kyle Edward Ball
Keen Eye Productions Inc.
Loud Whisper Productions Inc.
Northern Gateway Films INC
Polar Tabby Interactive Inc.
PolyHobby Studios Inc.
Reel Girls Media Inc.
Schadenfreude Studios Inc.
Score G Production Films Inc.
Souleado Entertainment Inc
The Frozen Machine Studios Inc.

We congratulate the selected applicants and look forward to opening another round of supports in the future. Make sure to check our social media for updates at @EdmontonScreen on all platforms so you can stay up to date with grant announcements.

Andie Bardeck
Author: Andie Bardeck