I understand that any false statement, omission, or misrepresentation on or related to this application is sufficient cause for refusal to allow for the approval or acceptance of the application, and may result in the termination of the application process now and in the future, no matter when discovered by the ESIO.

I agree and understand that it is the full and sole responsibility of the Applicant to provide the ESIO with any and all new or updated, information, as it becomes available, which differs or would be considered an amendment to the information provided within this Application.

I understand that the ESIO is subject to the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act (Alberta), as may be amended from time to time.

I understand that I am able to read the ESIO Privacy Policy, at my sole discretion. I further confirm that I have been provided with sufficient time and opportunity to review the ESIO Privacy Policy.

I release and authorize the ESIO to discuss and disclose any and all information and documentation related in any way to the Application and the Application process, as required to investigate, assess and evaluate the Application, to the employees of the ESIO, it’s agents and advisors including but not limited to independent analysts contracted by the ESIO to review Applications for Funding, legal counsel, and auditors, in accordance with the ESIO Privacy Policy.

I authorize the ESIO to thoroughly investigate all statements contained in the Application, without giving me prior notice of such disclosure.

I acknowledge that, the ESIO takes the protection of the confidential and private data of each applicant seriously. I understand and acknowledge that the ESIO implements, employs and has certain data security measures in place which are consistent with industry standards to protect the private and confidential information as provided within this Application. I acknowledge, understand and agree that the ESIO cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will never be able to defeat the security measures the ESIO has put into place. I release and indemnity, on behalf of the Corporation, the ESIO from any and all claims, demands, losses, costs, charges, actions and other proceedings, in respect of any loss, damage or injury, resulting from a third party’s unauthorized access to the Applicant’s information, except if caused by the ESIO’s negligence, or willful misconduct the ESIO.

I understand and agree that the ESIO shall be entitled to amend or impose such additional terms and conditions in its approval for Funding, in its sole discretion as it deems necessary and shall be entitled to impose such terms and conditions on any consent granted pursuant to this application, as it deems necessary.

I acknowledge that the ESIO has full discretion in administering its programs and the application guidelines to ensure that funding provided to those projects meets the mandate of the ESIO. The Applicant further acknowledges that in all questions of interpretation of the ESIO Guidelines and review of this Application the objectives of the ESIO and its interpretation shall prevail.

If a dispute arises concerning the Application or interpretation of this Application, the parties will attempt to resolve the matter through good faith negotiation and each party may appoint senior representatives to meet and pursue resolution through negotiation before resorting to litigation.

These terms and conditions will be appended and incorporated into any additional or supplemental grant or contribution agreement executed between the Applicant and the ESIO, in the event such an agreement is required, except for any specific deviations or exclusions outlined therein.